made by me: fabric height chart in real living


A few months ago, Natalie told me her next Real Living shoot was a kids bedroom shopping one. I volunteered myself for the shoot day to help out for fun and experience. But Nat put me to work beforehand, slave driver. But I was secretly thrilled to be a part of it – it was great getting to see some of her inspiration, her plans and ideas all come together. She asked me if I’d like to make a pom pom garland and fabric height chart for the shoot. Um, yes! So, I did. Happily it made the cut and is featured in the girl’s pastel princess nursery on page 60-61, below.

And so, just to celebrate this fact and to give potential customers another look at it, I attempted to photograph it with my children measuring each other. Things didn’t quite pan out the way I wanted it to. The old “never work with children” rule is a golden one for a reason. Zak refused to wear anything other than bright green undies and kept running away. Then I tried to get Layla out of the tutu and into a cute little skirt with leggings and puffy-sleeved shirt. She screamed the house down, smacked me across the face and also ran away. I finally gave up and let her wear the tutu and managed to get her surf shirt off but she refused to let me put a different one her – only the surf shirt. Finally I got a singlet on her while distracting her with the bird marker. It was fun…

I wanted Layla to be standing on the stool measuring Zak with the bird marker. Zak finally got in place – dressed – and decided he wanted to be standing on the stool and promptly broke it. So then no one was allowed to stand on it – only sitting – and even with bribes of chocolate and threats of no ice cream after dinner, I didn’t get a smile. This is what I did get.




The last image pretty much sums up the whole day…

Back to the chart… Nat and I debated about whether or not to make it a project or sell them via an Etsy store. In the end, we decided to credit my blog and I’ll guage interest in it before deciding whether or not to pursue opening a store. And so… I have a couple more in the works – a few variations on this idea in different colours and fabrics, so if you’re interested, please email me on and I’ll keep you posted on what I’ll do. The price for this particular one is $49.95, plus postage and handling (approx $5). It comes with a bird marker to mark your height (it pins on) or you can use the chart as a ruler and mark on the wall behind it if you want a permanent record. The back is a dark grey and the edges are deliberately raw and slightly frayed to rough up the girliness a little! You can hang on a coat hanger as I have or like a traditional wall hanging with a piece of dowel.



Come back tomorrow – I’ll share a little behind the scenes of the kids room shoot. It was lots of fun – possibly because there were no children in it!
{scan courtesy Real Living mag; all images by Belinda Graham for The Happy Home}

17 Responses to “made by me: fabric height chart in real living”

  1. fat mum slim says:
    Ummm… hello. Are you feeling ok? Did you just delight me by posting TWICE in ONE day? What a treat.
    And that chart? To die for. 
    I wish I have more wall space… I am going to see if I can rearrange things and consider it.
    Your Layla just melted my cranky heart tonight. Thank you. 
  2. Monique says:
    The photos of Layla are hilariously gorgeous! That last pic of her is exactly how I felt today! 
    Thanks for making me smile this evening.
  3. Amanda says:
    I was just looking through this issue of Real Living for the 3rd or 4th time today and stopped and had a good look at the height chart. It thought it was such a great item. I must confess I love it all the more now knowing you did it! GREAT job Belinda!!! Will have to share this on my blog!
  4. Belinda says:
    oh no, why so cranky chantelle?! i didn’t meant to post twice in one day. my brain is fried and i totally forgot i was going to save and post tomorrow. der!
    thanks guys xx
  5. sapna says:
    waaoooooooo wonderful idea
  6. looks great, i noticed it in the mag. Hope the fly out the door!
  7. Piper says:
    Ok, I’m completely envious of you! I’ve always wanted to see what it’s like to style an interior – how absolutely cool to do so!! (and i love your pom pom garland – so fun that it made it in!!!)
  8. Oh Belinda, you’re too funny. And clever! The pics are great. The one of Layla on the floor is a keeper for life. Gorgeous! 
    And you say you don’t know how I have the time to do what I do – look at this mini photo shoot. Brilliant. Love the bird marker.
    Thanks a million for all your help on the shoot day (and beforehand with all the projects). Next stop – gardens – get your thinking cap on!
  9. Great job Belinda, I love it! do you have any slightly more boyish materials? perhaps you could add little age tags (1 years, 18 months, 2 years etc) that could be just tacked or pinned on and the cute little bird could be where they are up to now?? just a thought!
  10. Nicky says:
    I love it Belinda! You have done such a great job!
    Why don’t you have your own etsy/made it store!?!?!?!
  11. Wow, you are amazing – I love it! Would definitely buy if on etsy….such a delight and I love the raw edges too!
  12. Kate says:
    I love the height chart and your children are beautiful – they did exactly what my 28 and 25 year old would have done at their age!
  13. Amanda says:
    The height chart looks fabulous Belinda – you should so open an Etsy store and sell them. Love the photos of your two angels :)
  14. Alison Gibbs says:
    That chart is a fabulous idea.
    Love that last pic.
  15. Liz says:
    love everything! where did you find that rug (the one with red flowers in the “pastel princess” room)?
  16. Belinda says:
    hi liz – the rug is from ikea.
    mumeassistant – BRILLIANT idea. am stealing it! have a couple more fabric options and am slowly, slowly getting act together to open store to see how it goes.
    thanks all xx
  17. Hehehehe Belinda, the pictures (and descriptions you gave) of your kids and you photoing them with the height chart cracked me up! Thank you!!! I love your honesty….it’s nice to see inside other people’s lives and know that it’s very normal for kid’s to be a little ‘hard’ and uncooperative at times LOL!!!! I really enjoy your blog :)Love the height chart too ;o)
Belinda GrahamComment