sweet relief...


The craziness is OVER! Did you hear that big sigh of relief? That was me as I sunk into my couch this evening after putting the kids to bed. My baby sister got married yesterday and it was perfect. It was also the last of many demanding events we’ve had recently and that have sucked all my time and sanity! Since the last week in January we’ve had two hen’s days, one hens’ weekend, two bucks’ weekends, a 21st birthday party, an engagement party, two mini breaks away (to coincide with hens and bucks weekends), three weddings and have driven up and down the NSW coastline way too many times to count. And that was just the weekends! This is huge for someone who rarely does a thing on weekends except chill with her family and potter about the home…
But for all my complaining, it was all brilliant. I enjoyed it all and I have some pics to share of the day’s decor I styled next week. Not great because the only time I had to take pictures was 40 minutes before the ceremony was to start after maniacally throwing down a rose-petal aisle and stacking cup cakes on the stand. There was a flashback to my own wedding when a few guests, the groom and groomsmen arrived and I was still in my shorts and singlet with hair untouched since the night before. My make-up was done though so that was a confusing look… So images were quick, not great and of course I didn’t get any of the ceremony because I was in it. Next time I saw my camera it was dark so you can imagine the high quality images I got then! But, you’ll get the gist…
I also didn’t take any pics of the bouquets (or the cakes in the end – am a useless photographer) so here are the leftover flowers I stole this morning and popped on my hallstand. Aren’t they pretty? I love that dusky pink colour – perfection! I hope you’re having a good weekend – I plan to do absolutely nothing tomorrow!